Diş Caddesi

Education Information

2007-2012 Çukurova

2013-2018 Marmara

Work Information

2017-2019 Private Radixdent ADSM- Kartal

2018-2020 Private Radixdent ADSM - Cekmekoy

2018-2020 Special Rotadent ADSP - Ataşehir

2017-2021 Special Soganlik ADSP- KARTAL

2020-2021 Specially Designed ADSP- ATASEHİR

2021 Special Swissmed ADSP - ATASEHİR



1.1Afat M

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2017; 76(5) :926–932.

1.2Afat M

Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 47.2 (2019): 280-286.

2. Articles Published in Other International Refereed Journals


2.1. Afat M Ann Otolaryngol Rhinol 2018 5(4): 1217.

3. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals

3.1.Afat İ.M

Faculty 7tepe Clinical Journal 2017; 14(1) : 25-30.

(Proceeding) Published Papers

4.1.Afat M

of Maxillofacial Surgeons Joint Congress, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.

4.2Afat M

Antalya, Turkey.

4.3.Afat M

Antalya, Turkey.

4.4.Afat M

Association of Surgery Association 10th International Congress, 2016, Antalya, Turkey.

4.5.Afat M

Association of Surgery Association 10th International Congress, 2016, Antalya, Turkey.

4.6.Afat M

10th International Congress of the Association of Surgery Association, 2016, Antalya, Turkey.

4.7.Afat M

Bodrum, Turkey.

4.8.Afat M

Association 24th International Congress, 2017, Bodrum, Turkey.

4.9.Afat M

Congress, 2017, Bodrum, Turkey.


4.10.Afat M

 Memberships to Scientific and Professional Organizations

Association of Expert Dentists

International Team for Implantology (ITI),


Social media

Instagram: dt_murat_afat

Youtube : Uzm.Dt. Murat AFAT

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