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Diş Caddesi
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The main reason for the formation of dental calculus is the inability to clean the bacterial plaque that accumulates every day. One of the indispensable factors in the formation of dental calculus is saliva. Depending on the structure of the saliva, tartar may occur in larger amounts or for more frequent periods. The amount of tartar increases, gingival recession increases. The teeth are opened. The accumulation of tartar continues in the opened areas. Withdrawal increases even more. There may also be the beginning of caries in places where the accumulation is excessive. Please do not forget to visit your dentist every 6 months for the control of your tartar

Teeth cleaning does not cause pain.

Yes. Small gaps in the front teeth can be closed with composite fillings (bonding), with porcelain laminates in cases where there are larger gaps and caries in the teeth, old unhealthy fillings, and in more advanced cases with full porcelain crowns.

Night plates that prevent clenching can be used. In some cases, botox applications to the chewing muscles are also effective.

Depending on the degree and type of discoloration, it can whiten two or three tones

The substances used in teeth whitening do not harm the teeth. They act on the coloring pigments in the tooth structure and provide the lightening of the tooth color. Thus, teeth are not damaged in a whitening process performed under the control of the dentist.

The most important advantage of implant treatment is that it does not damage the adjacent natural teeth. In addition, it prevents osteoporosis and makes the prosthesis feel like a natural tooth of the patient, among other important differences.

Patients who are scheduled for AII On Four treatment should first undergo a detailed clinical and radiological examination. A suitable planning is made for the patient by making measurements on computerized tomography (CT). The AII On Four procedure consists of two stages as surgical and dental prosthesis procedures. On the day of the treatment, after 4 dental implants are placed in accordance with the planning, the temporary dental prosthesis is fixed on the dental implants on the same day. After 3 months, permanent dental prosthesis is applied to the patient.

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